10 Physical Education (Football)

Year 10: 1 Semester / Health and Physical Education

Australian Curriculum Website:  https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-areas/health-and-physical-education/year-10

Pre-Requisite:  Nil


Students engage in a range of activities and skills with a focus on Australian Rules Football. Students will undertake a range of umpiring and coaching activities to develop their overall knowledge of the game.

Topics may include

Practical components:

  • Skill development
  • Game Play
  • Skill analysis
  • Position specific fitness development
  • Umpiring

Theory components:

  • Nutrition
  • Playing diary
  • Fitness testing
  • Career research
  • Rules of the game and umpiring


Students are assessed against the Health and Physical Education Australian Curriculum achievement standards.

  • Practical applications
  • Written assignments
  • Class participation

Additional Information

Cost: $40

Students must wear the Heathfield High School Physical Education uniform in all practical lessons. Students must supply their own mouthguard and football boots.

Students cannot undertake both Year 10 Physical Education and Year 10 Physical Education - Football

Last updated: July 2024