
Welcome to Heathfield High School International Program

Heathfield High School has a commitment to promoting excellence in all programs, including the International Student Program. Students from all over the world are welcomed and valued as part of our school community. They enjoy immersion in school life as well as participating in a wide range of extracurricular activities. Our international students build networks with their peers and form lifelong friendships which enrich the diversity of our school community and like local students, have different aspirations and needs. It is the aim of Heathfield High School to ensure that these individual needs are met and appropriate support is provided to ensure that success is inherent.

Our international student program offers a rich, multifaceted learning opportunity for students across a diverse range of subjects, which enable students to develop their English language proficiency. We are committed to developing each individual in the areas of cultural harmony and wellbeing and engagement to extend every student to achieve their personal best. We provide students experiences and opportunities that allow them to become active global citizens with a deep understanding of international issues and a commitment to inter-cultural understanding.

Heathfield High School values the contributions international students make to our wider school community. International and global understanding has significantly increased in importance during the last decade and students are learning about and connecting with their world through new technologies and media. Being fully immersed in the 21st Century has placed new importance on understanding cultures other than our own.

We know it is critical that our young people are developed as global citizens with a strong understanding and empathy for others, as their future work will have a global focus. A strong multicultural understanding developed through our curriculum and the increased diversity of cultures introduced to the school through the international program’s (short and long term international students, homestays, study tours, school tours of Europe, Cambodia, Vietnam and Japan) has been embedded within the school as an essential part of our culture for 21st century learning.

South Australian Government Schools can help you enrol to study abroad at our school.

For other enquiries about studying abroad please contact

International Education Services
Department for Education
GPO Box 1152
Adelaide SA 5000

Telephone: +61 8 8226 3402

Please click on the following link to download the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Legislative Framework.

Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Legislative Framework

For more information, please contact the International Program team at, or phone the school on 8139 9300.