How to Apply
Applications for Year 7, 2026 are now open. Please apply via the online form here. Applications close Friday 2 May at 5pm. |
Application Process – Specialist Entry Entrepreneurial Pathway
Applying for the Specialist Entry Entrepreneurial Pathway at Heathfield High School involves a multi-step process designed to identify students with creativity, problem-solving skills, and a passion for innovation. It is advised to pre-prepare all submission requirements before filling out the online application. Below is an outline of the steps:
Step 1: Written Application - Why would you like to be a part of this pathway?
Applicants must complete a written submission, by answering these questions in the online application -
- What do you hope to learn throught this pathway?
- What experiences most appeal to you through this pathway?
- What entrepreneurial activities have you previously participated in, and what did you enjoy and learn from these?
Step 2: Presentation or Pitch - Real World Scenario
All applicants will respond to a real-world scenario and present their solution to the 'Problem Worth Solving' (see the choice of problems below - select one) in a format of their choice. This could be a verbal pitch, visual presentation, video, or another creative medium. The presentation allows students to showcase their ability to communicate ideas effectively. This must be uploaded to the online application.
Step 3: Teacher Referee Statement
As part of the assessment, applicants must provide contact details for a teacher from their current school. This person will help us understand the student's learning habits. collaboration skills and overall suitability for the program.
Step 4: Team Challenge at Heathfield High School
All applicants will be invited to participate in a one-day team challenge at Heathfield High School. This engaging experience allows applicants to work collaboratively on entrepreneurial challenges, think critically under real-world conditions, and demonstrate their teamwork skills. The Team Challenge will be held on Wednesday 14 May. All applicatants will be notified closer to the date with information about this day.
Final Selection: Successful applicants will be notified in week 4 of term 2 and provided with further details about joining the Specialist Entry Entrepreneurial Pathway.
Problem Worth Solving:
- Reducing Food Waste in Schools - Every year, millions of kilograms of food are wasted in schools worldwide. This includes uneaten lunches, expired cafeteria food, and leftovers from events. Reducing food waste can help the environment and ensure more resources are used efficiently.
Challenge: How might we create a fun and practical way for schools to reduce food waste while encouraging students to be more mindful of what they eat?
- Smart Solutions for Cleaner Oceans - Plastic pollution in our oceans is a growing problem, harming marine life and ecosystems. Scientists, governments, and businesses are working on solutions, but more innovative ideas are needed to help reduce waste and clean up our waters.
Challenge: How might we use technology, education, or community action to reduce plastic waste and keep our oceans clean?
- Future-Proofing Cities for Extreme Weather - Around the world, cities are experiencing more extreme weather—heatwaves, storms, and flooding. Communities need better ways to prepare for and adapt to these challenges.
Challenge: How might we design safer, more resilient cities that can withstand extreme weather while keeping people comfortable and safe?
Questions to consider:
- Why was it important to you to solve this problem?
- How did you solve the problem?
- How did you convince others to support your solution?