Staff Contacts

Executive Leadership Team
Principal Bev Collis
Deputy Principal Derek Slater
Senior Leader – Teaching & Learning Lindsey Crowe
Assistant Principal – Senior Years and SACE/VET Bob Phoumirath
Assistant Principal – Middle Years and School Culture Ross Wall
Senior Leader – Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting and Curriculum Implementation Nicholas Cole
Business Leader Ben Bersten
Leaders of Learning
Leader of Learning – Year 7 Paula Nation (Acting)
Leader of Learning – Year 8 Alex Cardone
Leader of Learning – Year 9 Dave Bennett
Leader of Learning – Year 10 Donna Hatswell
Leader of Learning – Year 11 Caitlin Taylor
Leader of Learning – Year 12 Jason Dikkenberg
Learning Area Leaders
Learning Area Leader – Mathematics David Heyne
Learning Area Leader – English Brigid Hazelwood
Learning Area Leader – Science Mandy Moore
Learning Area Leader – Responsible Living Katie Hart
Learning Area Leader – Humanities Tim Byers-Thomas
Learning Area Leader – Technologies Simon Ellison
Learning Area Leader - The Arts Josh Haynes
Student Wellbeing Leader Jess Jennings
Additional Roles
Inclusive Education Manager Paula Nation (Acting)
Entrepreneurial Manager Xan Royall
Volleyball Manager Lachlan Abbott
Music Manager Michael Clayton
International Manager Nicole Doolan
Student Attendance Manager Scott Madsen
Administration/Support Staff Teams
Student Services
Information Technology
Abbott, L Holbrook, J
Arnold, L Hubrechsen, C
Aylmore, R Karpenko, J
Barnes, T Kempe, A
Baum, E Langsford, L
Bennett, D Lucas, T
Bennett, E Madsen, S
Bowd, J Maple, L
McNicol, C
Castle, L Mooney, M
Chambers, A Moore, B
Chauhan, N Nation, P
Circelli, L Parsons, R
Civetta, L Pathan, F
Clayton, M Prokopec, A
Remete, N
Dahlitz, J Royall, X
Dalby, B Salt, B
Daniell, N Shaw, A
Dawe, M Tamblyn, J
Di Virgilio, N Taylor, N
Doolan, N Vanderloos, B
Everett, S Vine, H
Healey, D Wherry, C
Herman, G Whitford, M
Hiser, V Wright, K