07 Mathematics

Year 7:  Full Year / 2 Semesters / Advanced Technologies Mathematics

Australian Curriculum Website:  https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-areas/mathematics/year-7

Pre-Requisite:  Nil


Year 7 mathematics builds upon the mathematics skills learned in year 6, and extends students’ understanding by introducing algebra as a way of applying abstract reasoning and working with unknown numbers. The skills learned in year 7 provide a foundation for all future studies in high school mathematics, as algebra and abstract reasoning become increasingly important.

The year 7 course explores mathematics through the three content strands:

  • Number & algebra
  • Measurement & geometry
  • Statistics & probability

In number & algebra, students will extend their understanding of number skills, and will learn to work with variables and algebraic equations.

In measurement & geometry students will learn to calculate areas of shapes, and deepen their understanding of space by investigating geometric properties of shapes.

In the statistics & probability strand students will learn to calculate statistics from data sets, and use these statistics to interpret data.



Students are assessed through a variety of assessment tasks, including tests and investigations. Assessment is conducted against the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards.

Assessments focus on the following skills:

  • Routine computational & process skills
  • Problem solving in applied contexts
  • Communication, both in written English and mathematical notation
  • Understanding & interpretation of results

Additional Information


Last Updated: July 2024