07 Exhibition

Year 7:  1 Semester / The Arts

Australian Curriculum Website:  https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-areas/dance_drama_media-arts_music_visual-arts/year-7

Pre-Requisite:  Nil


Students will be introduced to the elements of visual art through exploration to express and represent ideas to be displayed and viewed. The students will apply arts practice of 2D and 3D art making, and set their own exhibition. Students will develop an insight into other cultures and meanings within art and will learn to respond and evaluate artworks including their own and their peers, as creators and audience members.

 Topics may include

  • Mark making and line
  • Tone and render
  • Colour
  • Photoshop editing
  • Motifs and symbolism in indigenous art
  • Clay construction
  • Analysis
  • Reflection and evaluation
  • Language of visual arts



Students are assessed against the Visual Arts and Media Arts Australian Curriculum achievement standards:

  • Folio of development
  • Practical artwork/ products
  • Visual study: analysis and reflection evaluation of others and own arts practice

Additional Information

Students will require:

  • A4 Visual art diary
  • Students may need to purchase additional printing credit
  • USB
  • Lead and coloured pencils
  • Erasers
  • Sharpeners

Last updated: July 2024