12 Workplace Practices

SACE Stage 2:  20 Credits / 2 Semesters / Cross Curriculum  

SACE Website:  https://www.sace.sa.edu.au/en/web/workplace-practices/stage-2

Pre-Requisite:  Nil


Stage 2 Workplace Practices is a flexible subject that allows students to gain knowledge and develop understanding of the different elements of work/ employment based on an area of personal involvement in VET and/or Vocational Learning. 

Workplace Practices has 3 areas of study: 

Area 1: Industry and Work knowledge - students will undertake 3 or more topics from the following options

  • Work in Australian Society
  • The Changing Nature of Work
  • Industrial Relations
  • Finding Employment
  • A negotiated topic

Area 2: Vocational Learning - students will incorporate learning (50 - 60 hours of involvement ) from one of the following areas in which they participate

  • Part-time/ casual employment
  • High level sport programs/ dance programs/ music programs
  • Vocational Learning through work experience
  • Primary caregiver 
  • Voluntary work (e.g. CFS)

Area 3: VET

  • VET (Vocational Education and Training)/ ASBAs (Australian School Based Apprenticeships) - students may incorporate 50 - 60 nominal hours from their Certificate course (the remaining hours to be entered for SACE as stand-alone VET to maximise credit count)

This subject is available to both Stage 1 and Stage 2 students who qualify through their participation in either areas 2 or 3.



Assessment tasks include a combination of:

  • Folio (25%) – at least 3 assessment tasks based on Area of Study 1 – Industry and Work Knowledge assessment may be in a variety of forms such as an investigation, a practical or skills demonstration, or a project
  • Performance (25%) – students develop a portfolio consisting of evidence of their learning and performance either through Voocational learning (eg based on part-time employment or voluntary work), or their VET course which will include a Statement of Attainment for units of competency
  • Reflection (20%) – at least 2 reflections on student learning (e.g. work placement, industry visits)
  • Investigation (30%) - this is the external assessment component and may be practical or an issues investigation

Presentation of Assessment Tasks may take a range of forms, including written, oral, multimodal. 

Additional Information

This subject is available to both Stage 1 and Stage 2 students who qualify through their participation in either Areas 2 or 3. 


Subject Fees:  For students undertaking a VET course, specific cost of consumables is stated in the respective course descriptor. 

Date updated: July 2024