12 Visual Arts - Art

SACE Stage 2: 20 Credits / 2 Semesters / The Arts

SACE Website:  https://www.sace.sa.edu.au/web/visual-arts/stage-2

Pre-Requisite: An achievement level of 'C' or better for Stage 1 Visual Art / Design / Creative Arts / Media Studies


The Stage 2 Visual Art course requires students to demonstrate knowledge of social, historical and cultural context and understanding how artists respond to this in their work. Students use visual thinking and investigation to develop ideas and concepts, refining technical skills and produce imaginative solutions. Students learn to communicate personal ideas, beliefs, values, thoughts, feelings, concepts and opinions and provide observations of their lived or imagined experiences in visual for within their folios. Using critical analysis skills students evaluate and reflect on practice using arts terminology and methods.

Topics may include

Visual study

  • Students are required to study an area of arts practice of their choice
  • Productive and thorough use of research skills is required
  • Application of practical and technical skills and sensitive use of media, materials and technologies should be evident
  • Students critically analyse the work of other artists and create reproductions of these pieces, using similar processes
  • Students are influenced to develop their own artistic style


  • Process of visual thinking exploring and experimenting, to develop imaginative and personally relevant visual ideas
  • Students are required to explore a variety of media including manual and digital applications
  • Students analyse artists who will assist them develop their own theme and personal aesthetic


  • Students will present two practical pieces. Each practical will be a resolution of each of the folios. These can be 2 or 3 dimensional pieces
  • Students prepare a written practitioner’s statement for each piece (up to 500 words for each practical).



Student performance will be determined according to the subject’s performance standards, as outlined by the SACE Board.

  • Assessment type 1 – 2 x folios (moderated)
  • Assessment type 2 – 2 x practical (moderated)
  • Assessment type 3 – visual study (externally marked)

All assessment is moderated by external SACE examiners on site at the end of the year. The visual study is externally marked by SACE.

Additional Information

Students will require:

  • 2 x A3 Art Display Folder
  • a large USB storage devices
  • students may need to purchase additional printing
  • any unusual additional material that student individually require
  • $10 excursion fee

Last Updated: July 2024