11 Music Experience

SACE Stage 1: 20 Credits / Full Year / The Arts

SACE Website:  https://www.sace.sa.edu.au/web/music

Pre-Requisite:  an achievement level of “C” or better for year 10 Music


Students will develop their practical and creative skills. Students will engage in musical activities such as performing, composing and arranging, researching and developing and applying music technologies. Students will work together in ensembles and perform as an individual to present musical works. Students will learn and appreciate the important part that music plays in shaping and framing the intellectual, social and cultural life of communities past and present.

This program provides pathways to selected stage 2 subjects such as ensemble performance and solo performance.

Topics may include

  • Performing
  • Composing
  • Arranging
  • Researching
  • Developing and applying music technologies



Students are assessed against the SACE Stage 1 Music Experience performance standards.

  • Skills presentation
  • Practical
  • Skills development
  • Music theory and arranging
  • Folio
  • Research topic

Additional Information

Year 11 students are required to have successfully completed year 10 Music. Students are enrolled in the music program for the full year. Students are expected to undertake instrumental music lessons on their chosen instrument. The school can assist by advising on reputable providers of musical instruments. Students learn instruments at school through private arrangements with individual instrumental teachers. The fees and payment for these lessons are made directly to the private providers.

Instrument Hire - quality student instruments may be obtained from the Instrumental Music Service (IMS), or through a local or regional musical instrument provider. The provision of appropriate instruments is the responsibility of parents and students.

It is compulsory for all students to participate in class/school and community performances (some outside regular school hours).  Performance dates are given well in advance.

Last Updated: July 2024