11 Literary Studies English

SACE Stage 1: 20 Credits / 2 Semesters / English

SACE Website:  https://www.sace.sa.edu.au/web/english/overview

Pre-Requisite: Successful completion of Year 10 Semester 2 English Literary Studies or Year 10 Teacher recommendation. Stage 1 English is compulsory. 


Year 11 English Literary Studies involves reading and viewing a wide range of literary texts constructed for different purposes and audiences, with a focus on critical thinking.

Students will encounter different opinions about texts and have opportunities to:

  • Exchange and develop ideas
  • Find evidence to support a personal view
  • Learn to construct logical and convincing arguments
  • Consider a range of critical interpretations of texts

Students analyse the interrelationship between the author/ director of the text and their audience. There will be an emphasis on language and stylistic features and how these shape ideas and perspectives in a range of contexts.

Students will consider the social, cultural, economic, historical and/or political perspectives in texts and their representation of human experiences.

They will anaylse the application of text conventions when deconstructing and creating texts. They will explore the audiences' position when responding to ideas and perspectives in the text. By focusing on the creativity and craft of the authors/directors, students develop strategies to enhance their own skills in creating texts and put into practice the techniques they have observed.

Topics include

  • Responding to texts
  • Creating texts
  • Intertextual study


Students will be assessed against the SACE Stage 1 English Performance Standards. These

  • Knowledge and understanding
  • Analysis
  • Application

In each semester of English students will complete the following summative assessments

  • 1 Text Response
  • 2 Creative Pieces
  • 1 Intertextual Piece
  • 1 oral presentation/multimodal

Additional Information

Enrolment in English Literary Studies at Stage 1 is based on a student’s achievement in Year 10 English, and the recommendation of their Year 10 English teacher.

Students can elect to enter Year 11 English Literary Studies in Semester 2, based on their achievement and teacher’s recommendation in Semester 1 Year 11 English.  We strongly recommend however, students select the course for the year, from Year 10 Semester 2 English Literary Studies.

Last Updated: July 2024