11 Food and Hospitality A

SACE Stage 1: 10 Credits / 1 Semesters / Technologies

SACE Website:  https://www.sace.sa.edu.au/web/food-and-hospitality/stage-1

Pre-Requisite: Satisfactory Achievement of a year 10 home economics subject would be an advantage, though not a requirement


In Stage 1 Food and Hospitality (A), students focus on the dynamic nature of the industry and develop an understanding of contemporary approaches and issues related to food and hospitality. Students develop skills in using technology and safe work practices in the preparation, storage, and handling of food, and complying with current health and safety legislation.

This is a useful subject for students to complete if interested in working within food and hospitality industry or completing Stage 2 Food and Hospitality Studies.

Topics may include

  • Importance of food safety and hygiene
  • Promoting heathy eating in adolescence
  • Investigating contemporary food and hospitality issues
  • Celebration products to a professional standard

Practical units may include:

  • Savoury pies
  • Street food
  • Fusion food


Students are assessed through the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE).

4 assignment tasks will form the basis of the assessment and students will be assessed against the SACE board assessment design criteria.

Each task will involve 3 elements

  • 2 x practical activities
  • 1 x group activity
  • 1 x investigation

Additional Information

Costs: $100 

Fees may change prior to January 2025 when invoices are sent.

In some instances, students may wish to bring extra ingredients and materials for presentation of work to supplement those provided by the school. This is not compulsory as appropriate materials are provided at school.

While there are no pre-requisites for this course, some knowledge and skills in food preparation would be an advantage.

Last updated: July 2024