10 General Mathematics 2

Year 10:  1 Semester / Mathematics

Australian Curriculum Website:  https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-areas/mathematics/year-10

Pre-Requisite:  Nil


Year 10 General Mathematics 2 is a second semester subject that can be chosen instead of Year 10 Mathematics 2.

This subject follows selected topics from the Australian Curriculum, with a focus on topics which will become prevalent in year 11 General Mathematics.

Year 10 General Mathematics 2 provides a pathway to studying year 11 General Mathematics or Stage 1 Numeracy. Selecting year 10 General Mathematics prohibits students from selecting Stage 1 Mathematical Methods in year 11.

This subject is an appropriate choice for students who do not intend on studying year 11 mathematical methods or specialist mathematics, which are designed to prepare students for university studies in mathematics.

Topics may include

  • Index laws
  • Financial mathematics
  • Simultaneous equations
  • Right-angled trigonometry



Students are assessed through a variety of assessment tasks, including tests and investigations. Assessment is conducted against the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards.

Assessments focus on the following skills:

  • Routine computational & process skills
  • Problem solving in applied contexts
  • Communication, both in written English and mathematical notation
  • Understanding & interpretation of results

Additional Information


Last Updated: July 2024