10 Entrepreneurial Learning

Year 10: Full Year / 2 Semesters / Global Learnings

Australian Curriculum Website:  https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-areas/civics-and-citizenship-7-10_economics-and-business-7-10_geography-7-10_history-7-10/year-10

Pre-Requisite: Year 9 Entrepreneurial Pathways or by application. For more information, refer to website



Students continue to develop entrepreneurial mindsets by Finding Opportunities, Learning by Doing and Making it Happen in a range of a of Humanities topics. By establishing these capabilities, students cultivate their critical, creative and innovative thinking skills in addition to developing essential business knowledge.

Topics may include


  • Investigation and Product. Environmental Change & Management linked to UN Sustainability Goals
  • Problem and Product – How governments are using entrepreneurship to change wellbeing internationally


  • Inquiry. The lasting impact of WWII on life in Australia
  • Inquiry. Modern Genocides and the impact of human rights developments since WWII.
  • Inquiry. The impact of how popular culture since the 1950’s that has created an impact on Australia.

Students in Entrepreneurial Learning will undertake the Stage 1 Business Innovation course during semester 2. For more information on this course, please click here. 



Students are assessed against the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards.

Additional Information

No additional costs

Last updated: July 2024