10 Digital Technologies

Computer Science and Cyber Security

Year 10: 1 Semester / Technologies

Australian Curriculum Website:  https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-areas/design-and-technologies_digital-technologies/year-10

Pre-Requisite:  Nil


The course expands on concepts of Cyber Security that students have developed through years 7 to 9, building on previous knowledge, skills and understanding. Building from an understanding of computer science, programmes, networks, and operating systems students will understand the mechanisms that are used to perform cyber-attacks. From a basis of knowledge and understanding, students will develop skills in programming to safe-guard computer systems from cyber-attack, damage, or unauthorised access. Understanding and skills in the use of AI will also be developed throughout the course. 

To further enhance the learning possibilities, this course will work with industry partners to extent student learning and create real-world and career pathway opportunities. 

Topics may include

  • Computer science principles
  • Understanding Cyber Security threats
  • Developing programming skills yo defend against Cyber Attacks
  • Industry partnerships to extend the learning beyond the classroom


Students are assessed through formative and summative that cover the design and summative that cover the Digital Technologies Australian Curriculum achievement standards within the following content descriptors:

  • Knowledge & understanding - Digital Systems and Data Representation
  • Process & production skills including the following:
    • Acquiring, managing and analysing data
    • Investigating and defining
    • Generating and designing
    • Producing and implementing
    • Evaluating
    • Collaborating and managing
    • Privacy and security

Additional Information

Additional fees possible dependent on excursion or incursion opportunities.

Last Updated: July 2024