10 Biomedical Studies

Year 10: 1 Semester / Sciences

Australian Curriculum Website:  https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-areas/science/year-10

A student may select an additional semester of science 'Biomedical Science Elective' as a choice subject. The course incorporates key ideas and associated standards of the Australian Curriculum as well as builds investigation, analysis, and evaluation skills required for SACE science courses.


The course incorporates key ideas and associated standards of the Australian Curriculum as well as builds investigation, analysis, and evaluation skills required for further SACE science courses. This course is relevant to students with an interest in all SACE subject areas. It provides insight into advancements in medical technology and the associated ethical concerns of scientific medical advancements.

Topics may include:

  • Biotechnology
  • Disease control
  • Nanotechnology
  • Chemistry
  • Medical diagnostics

Students will do this by investigating the following big questions, generated by the teacher and student. These could include:

  • How do we beat bacteria?
  • Will we ever cure cancer?
  • Can we bring back extinct species?



Students are assessed against the Stage 1 Scientific Studies achievement standards. Students will be able to earn 10 units of stage 1 SACE credit.

Assessment tasks may include:

  • Two science inquiry skill tasks
  • One investigation with science as a human endeavour
  • One collaborative inquiry

Additional Information

This is 1 of 3 choices available for students to choose a compulsory science subject in semester 2.

Various excursion opportunities may be offered to students which may incur additional costs.

Last updated: July 2024