09 Sports Analysis

Year 9: 1 Semester / Health and Physical Education

Australian Curriculum Website:  https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-areas/health-and-physical-education/year-9

Pre-Requisite:  Nil


Students engage in a range of activities and skills with to further develop their sport specific knowledge and abilities. This includes developing their skills and game play, whilst also analysing the game of a number of different sports.

The students will further develop their analysis skills using video technology to collect a range of data.

Topics may include

Practical components may include:

  • Skill development
  • Game play
  • Skill analysis

Theory components may include:

  • Tactical analysis
  • Technical analysis
  • Career research


Students are assessed against the Health and Physical Education Australian Curriculum achievement standards.

  • Practical applications
  • Written assignments
  • Class participation

Additional Information

Students must wear the Heathfield High School Physical Education uniform in all practical lessons.

Last updated: July 2024