09 Music

Year 9: 2 Semesters / The Arts

Australian Curriculum Website:  https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-areas/music/year-9


Students wishing to undertake music at year 9 should have been involved in the specialist music program in year 8 or have auditioned successfully. Please consult the music staff if you have further enquiries. 


Students will continue their learning, through rehearsal and performance of their instrument or voice. Students will participate in instrumental lessons, ensemble and solo performances throughout the year. Students will analyse various music styles and compositions from contemporary and historical context to influence their own musicianship and broaden their experience. This course encourages students to express, refine and develop a range of musical techniques. Students will then apply their knowledge into music making by interpreting, performing and creating compositions.

Year 9 Music students will also further develop their learning in aural and theoretical aspects such as learning notation, rhythms and pitch, Students will perform in solo and ensemble repertoires showcasing their technical control, expression and stylistic understandings.

Topics include

  • Evolution of music and the influences made on history
  • Origins of rock, hip hop, jazz and classical music
  • Aural training
  • Composition/ music technology
  • Solo/ensemble performance and performance preparation
  • Sound recording and editing
  • Theory - grade 2 theory equivalent music performance


Students are assessed against the Music Australian Curriculum achievement standards.

Additional Information

Year 9 students are required to have successfully completed year 8 music or through the audition process.

Students are enrolled in the music program for the full year. Students are expected to undertake instrumental music lessons on their chosen instrument. The school can assist by advising on reputable providers of musical instruments. Students learn instruments at school through private arrangements with individual instrumental teachers. The fees and payment for these lessons are made directly to the private providers.

Instrument Hire - quality student instruments may be obtained from the Instrumental Music Service (IMS), or through a local or regional musical instrument provider. The provision of appropriate instruments is the responsibility of parents and students.

It is compulsory for all students to participate in class/ school and community performances (some outside regular school hours). Performance dates are given well in advance.

Costs: Hire of the instrument through a private company

Last Updated: July 2024