09 Material Solutions

Year 9: 1 Semester / Advanced Technologies

Australian Curriculum Website:  https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-areas/digital-technologies_design-and-technologies/year-9

Pre-Requisite:  Nil


Students develop skills in the use of hand tools and portable power tools in order to make small, functional products. Students may use a range of materials such as timber and plastics to make pieces of furniture, storage solutions or other household items. Project work will require students to use basic jointing, assembly and finishing techniques, as well as hand drawing and CAD to communicate their design ideas.

Topics may include

  • Safe use of portable power tools
  • Safe use of static machines
  • 3D design and modelling (Fusion 360)
  • Introduction to joint construction
  • Assembly and finishing techniques


Students are assessed through formative and summative assessments in the form of Design Folios and individual assessment tasks that cover the Design and Technology Australian Curriculum achievement standards within the following content descriptors:

  • Knowledge and understanding - Materials and technologies specialisations
  • Processess and production skills including the following:
    • Investigating and defining
    • Generating and designing
    • Producing and implementing
    • Evaluating
    • Engineering principles and systems
    • Materials and technologies specialisation

Additional Information

No additional costs

Last updated: July 2024