09 Life Skills For Lads

Year 9:  1 Semester / Health and Physical Education

Australian Curriculum Website:  https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-areas/health-and-physical-education/year-9

Pre-Requisite:  Nil


An exciting, challenging and very practical lifestyle course especially designed for boys with a strong community focus.

Students develop skills necessary for independent living through:

  • Budgeting for everyday life
  • Developing basic outdoor skills such as setting up a camp site, navigation or orienteering
  • Learning about and discussing a range of male related health issues – physical, mental and social
  • Teamwork and communication challenges
  • Overnight camping experience
  • Developing emotional intelligence

Topics may include

  • Communication and teamwork
  • Budgeting
  • Self esteem/emotional intelligence
  • Community volunteering
  • Overnight camp
  • Men's health


Students are assessed against the health and physical education Australian Curriculum achievement standards.

  • Practical applications
  • Written assignment work
  • Reflections
  • Evaluations

Additional Information

Costs: Course fee $140.00 includes overnight camp and cooking ingredients.

Fees subject to change prior to January 2024 when invoices are sent.

Last updated: July 2024