09 Entrepreneurial Learning

Year 9: Full Year / 2 Semesters / Humanities

Australian Curriculum Website:  https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-areas/economics-and-business-7-10_civics-and-citizenship-7-10_geography-7-10_history-7-10/year-9

Pre-Requisite: Year 8 Entrepreneurial Pathways or by application. For more information, refer to website



Students continue to develop entrepreneurial mindsets by Finding Opportunities, Learning by Doing and Making it Happen through a range of a of Humanities topics. Using these capabilities, students have opportunities to work in teams to create a functional social enterprise. Students further develop these skills working alongside mentors from industry partners. 

Topics may include


The Year 9 curriculum provides a study of the history of the making of the modern world from 1750 - 1918.  This was a period of industrialisation and rapid change in the ways people lived, worked and thought.  It was an era of nationalism and imperialism, and expansion of European power, which had significant effects on First Nations Peoples globally.  The period culminated in World War I (1914-1918), known as the "War to end all wars".

Students will demonstrate their learning through developing a presentation from the point of view of one person living in colonial Australia, and investigating the war journey of a South Australian WWI soldier. 


Students will focus on Biomes and food security through investigating, 'The Great Southern Reef,' identifying problems through a field of study. Then using the, 'Design Thinking Process,' students will identify possible solutions. 

Economics and Business - Social Enterprise

Students will demonstrate their learning in this area through developing a social enterprise and working in teams with specified roles to develop their business ensuring it would be suitable for the Asian market and pitching their idea to Mount Barker Central and the Adelaide Hills Council to have the opportunity to trade for a day at Mount Barker Central and/or an Adelaide Hills Market.

Taking Adelaide Hills to the World

Students will take part in immersion activities relating to a number of enterprises in the Adelaide Hills and choose one to use the design thinking process to either pitch a proposal to the enterprise or work with the enterprise to develop a resource.



Students are assessed against the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards for history, Geography and Economics and Business.  The Adelaide Hills to the World unit and the processes used to go about it both individually and collaboratively will also be assessed against the Entrepreneurial and General Capabilities.

Additional Information

No additional costs 

Last updated: July 2024