08 Performance

Year 8:  1 Semester / The Arts

Australian Curriculum Website:  https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-areas/drama/year-8

Pre-Requisite:  Nil


The focus of this creative arts-based course is performance through Drama and movement conventions. Students will collaborate and extend their group and performance skills with a knowledge of theatre arts: applying genre, appropriate body language/movement and vocal skills. Additionally, students will progress their understanding of music skills to create a vocal/theatre/movement-based performance.

Students will participate in being audience members reflecting on performances and practice they have viewed. Students will plan, document and rehearse various roles and providing feedback appropriate for their audience. Students will be encouraged to develop their confidence within a supportive environment to enable them to perform.

Topics may include

  • Folio documentation
  • Multi modal analysis
  • Script writing
  • Performance - Drama & Music
  • Collaborative practice
  • Language of drama
  • Performance based theory
  • Effective communication
  • Choreography of movement



Students are assessed against the Drama and Music Australian Curriculum achievement standards:

  • Folio documenting planning
  • Skill development
  • Performance
  • Analysis and reflection of others and own performance
  • Presentation of activity to the class
  • Effective communication

Additional Information

Students are encouraged to select the Music program in year 8 if they play an instrument and would like to increase their musical knowledge and abilities.

Last Updated: July 2024