08 Media Arts

Year 8: 1 Semester (Rotation) / The Arts

Australian Curriculum Website: General capabilities

Pre-Requisite:  Nil


Students will create and manipulate digital photographs, montages, video, sound and text to communicate stories and concepts. Working individually and collaboratively, students will gain knowledge and understanding of digital story telling techniques using various technologies to create a series of projects. 

Students will research and analyse the work of Media arts professionals and reflect on their own media arts works. 

Topics may include

  • Photography composition concepts
  • Storyboarding
  • Knowledge of camera
  • Filmmaking
  • Photoshop: digital manipulation
  • Language of media arts
  • Video production/editing
  • Audio
  • Animation


Students are assessed against the Media Arts curriculum achievement standards. 

  • Skills development and application
  • Research and analysis
  • Planning and story development

Additional Information

Students will require:

  • USB storage device
  • students may need to purchase additional internet and or printing credit

Last updated: July 2024