07 Technologies

Year 7: 1 Semester / Technologies

Australian Curriculum Website:  https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-areas/design-and-technologies/year-7

Pre-Requisite:  Nil


Year 7 Technologies extends students knowledge from the primary years and further develops their skills as critical and creative users of technology. Students will explore both Digital Technologies and Design and Technology. Through design thinking students will develop solutions to different problems, involving Digital Systems and the Materials and Technologies specialisation. Students will develop computational thinking skills to solve real world problems and work with digital systems and data analysis. They’ll learn to create programmed solutions using text-based programming languages, all the while practicing online safety and responsible digital citizenship. Using design thinking students will design solutions to problems that they define through critical analysis of opportunities using a range of different materials technologies such as 3D printing and Laser Cutting.

Topics may include

  • Computational thinking methods
  • Production of programmed digital solution
  • 2D technical hand sketching
  • 2D vector drawing
  • Computer Aided Design (Autodesk Tinker CAD)
  • 3D printing
  • Laser engraving and cutting
  • Multimedia presentation
  • Robotics


Students are assessed through formative and summative assessments in the form of design folios and individual assessment tasks that cover the Design & Technology Australian Curriculum achievement standards within the following content descriptors:

  • Knowledge & understanding - materials and technologies specialisations
  • Processes & production skills including the following:
    • Acquiring, managing and analysing data
    • Privacy and security
    • Investigating and defining
    • Generating and designing
    • Producing and implementing
    • Evaluating
    • Collaborating and managing

Additional Information

No additional costs.

Last updated: July 2024