07 Music

Year 7: 1 Semester / The Arts

Australian Curriculum Website:  https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-areas/music/year-7

Pre-Requisite: Nil


Music students will be introduced to the elements of music through researching, experimenting and creative arts practice. The students will apply these skills to various instruments including strings (guitar, bass) and percussion. 

Students will participate in a reflection on their relationship to music and set goals for their individual instruments. Students will develop their solo and ensemble performance skills through structured performance opportunities. Music theory involving key signatures, scales, chords, note values, related rests and aural recognition will be covered.

Topics may include

  • Music theory
  • Solo performance
  • Ensemble performance
  • Musical history


Students are assessed against the Music Australian Curriculum achievement standards:

  • Performance(s)
  • Theory test(s)
  • History research assignment
  • Music analysis

Additional Information

Students are enrolled in the music program for 1 semester. Students are expected to undertake instrumental music lessons on their chosen instrument. The school can assist by advising on reputable providers of musical instruments. Students may learn instruments at school through private arrangements with individual instrumental teachers. The fees and payment for these lessons are made directly to the private providers.

Instrument Hire - quality student instruments may be obtained from the Instrumental Music Service (IMS), or through a local or regional musical instrument provider. The provision of appropriate instruments is the responsibility of parents and students.

Students are expected to participate in at least one ensemble that runs during a break time (1 per week).

Last Updated: July 2024