07 French

Year 7: 2 Semesters / Global Learnings

Australian Curriculum Website:  https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-areas/french-7-10-sequence/year-7

Pre-Requisite:  Nil


Students work with comprehensible material based on the most frequently used words, expressions and language structures of French to allow them opportunities to communicate their thoughts, opinions, ideas and desires in French. Listening and reading skills are explicitly taught in the first semester via input rich, creative class interactions and activities. Writing and speaking skills based on comprehended input are also emphasized in the second semester.

Topics may include

Based on student interests emphasise:


  • Socialising
  • Informing
  • Creating
  • Translating
  • Reflecting


  • Systems of language
  • Language variation and change
  • Role of language and culture


Students are assessed against the Australian Curriculum achievement standards for French through a variety of tasks that allow students to develop knowledge, skills and understanding through:

  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • Effective oral and written communication
  • Knowledge and understanding

Additional Information


Last updated: July 2024