07 Arts Rotation

Year 7:  1 Semester / The Arts

Australian Curriculum Website:  https://v9.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/learning-areas/dance_drama_media-arts_music_visual-arts/year-7

Pre-Requisite:  Nil


Year 7 Arts Rotation will take students through a range of activities to develop and refine student capabilities within the Arts. During the semester, students will undertake units exploring Performing Arts as well as Visual Arts. Under the Performing Arts subjects, students will explore areas of Music, Dance and Drama. In the Visual Arts, students will develop skills and capabilities related to Visual Art and Media Arts.

 Topics may include

  • Movement based performances
  • Communication skills
  • Vocal projection
  • Creating character through movement
  • Maintaining character through voice
  • Illustration
  • Painting
  • Colour theory
  • Drawing techniques
  • Arts exploration and analysis



Students are assessed through formative and summative assessments. These will be in the form of class-based performances, process design for performances. Throughout the Visual Arts, students will be required to maintain a visual art diary where they will demonstrate their skills and understanding.

Additional Information

No additional costs

Last updated: July 2024