Subject Information FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions about Subject Selections/Course Counselling

If my child doesn’t like a subject and wants to change courses, what is the process?

Changing subjects has major implications for students, parents/caregivers, teachers and the school. As a general principle, staffing is based upon the selections students make on the course counselling day. Students have been provided the opportunity to complete a Career Plan and Career Investigator through our Careers website, as well as being provided with course information through year level assemblies. Careful planning through this process should ensure changes do not need to be made. Not liking a subject is not a sufficient reason to request a change.  As such, changes of subjects will not be approved after the course counselling day unless there are exceptional circumstances that can be accommodated without having a negative impact on staffing, class numbers and interrelated factors.

Who do I speak to if we are unsure about a subject?

Specific information regarding subjects can be obtained by contacting the relevant Learning Area Leader:

  • Arts - Josh Haynes

  • English - Joanne Holbrook

  • Humanities - Meagan Zander

  • Mathematics - David Heyne

  • Responsible Living – Katie Hart

  • Science – Mandy Moore

  • Technology - Travis Laxton

Can my child take a year 12 subject without taking it in year 11 (pre-requisites are not stipulated)?

If a year 12 subject descriptor or flow chart does not state the necessity to study a specific subject in year 11, a student can choose the year 12 subject.

My child has additional needs, who do I speak to about their pathway?

  • for supported students our Inclusive Education leader
  • for wellbeing needs our Wellbeing Leader
  • for all other needs the relevant Year Level Leader

Does my child have a study line in the senior school? Can they leave school in a study line?

Year 12 students generally have a study line to help manage their workload. Year 11 students may have a study lesson or academic mentoring session on a line, depending on the subjects chosen and timetable structure.

Who does my child speak to about careers?

Home Group teacher in the first instance as they will be overseeing the Careers Investigation curriculum. These staff will be able to refer students to other relevant staff should there be a need.

If my child undertakes a VET course, do they have a study line? Do they have to catch up on the lessons they missed, if so, how do they do that?

Yes, if your child is attending a VET course, they are allocated a study line. Students are timetabled to a study area where they catch up on the lesson missed due to their VET day. It is important for parents to know this is a teacher supervised study line and students can request assistance with their missed lessons during this time.

I think my child needs Special Provisions, how does that work?

The SACE Board recognises the need for Special Provisions for some students. Early notification to your child’s Year Level Leader, along with any supporting documentation is essential to ensure appropriate and relevant provisions are in put in place for your child’s learning.

How do I know what subjects my child needs to study if they want to pursue a specific University course?

Refer to the SATAC guide or relevant University publication or web page to check for any pre-requisites associated with a desired course.